Reģistrācijas numurs: 50103810561
- Apraksts
- Pamatinformācija
- Uzņēmums
We are hiring for our partner, Beiersdorf, which is the owner of NIVEA, Eucerin and Houseplants brands.
Key Responsibilities:
- Conducting regular budget monitoring in cooperation with business partners
- Planning and forecasting costs and monitoring financial indicators
- supporting business decisions on planned promotional, media, investment activities, product pricing
- Ensuring transparency and financial stability in your area of responsibility
- Proactively identifying financial opportunities and threats to the business and supporting the implementation of improvements
- Participation in global projects and active cooperation within the international community of controllers
- Experience of 2-3 years in a similar field
- Fluency in English
- Bachelors/Masters Degree in finance/economics/management
- Very good computer skills
- Strong communicational, self-organizational and analytical skills
The company offers:
- Competitive salary and 10% year bonus
- Hybrid type of work
- Work in an international environment
- All necessary equipment
- Possibility for personal and professional development
2500 - 3000
Atrašanās vieta
- Rīga, Latvija
Darba veids
- Pilna slodze
Yuliya Shyionak
Yuliya Shyionak
Pieredzējusi personāla atlases konsultantu komanda Latvijā strādā kopš 2003. gada, un, sākot no 2022. gada augusta, darbojas kā zīmols Stafferty.
Stafferty nodrošina ārpakalpojumu, personāla atlases un HR konsultāciju pakalpojumus.
Uzņēmums atrodas Rīgā. Stafferty biroji ir arī Viļņā (Lietuva), Tallinā (Igaunija), Kijevā (Ukraina) un Ļvovā (Ukraina)
Reģistrācijas numurs: 50103810561
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