Citadele banka AS
Korporatīvo klientu atbalsta speciālists/-e
Citadele banka AS
Citadele banka AS

Korporatīvo klientu atbalsta speciālists/-e

Citadele banka AS

Mēneša bruto algaBruto mēnesī  € 1500 - 1800

Atrašanās vieta

    Rīga, Latvija

Darba veids

  • Pilna slodze
Evita Karlsone

Our story

It all started in 2010 when Citadele was registered in Latvia as a joint stock company. During the years, we've grown quite a lot, and now our subsidiaries and branches operate in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.You can find our head office with 1000 talented colleagues located in the very hearth of Riga. All our innovative ideas start their journey here and end up creating opportunities for the local economy.

Our values

Act - We create our own opportunities and deliver on promises.

Innovate - We set the standard through innovative experience.

Aspire - We find solution for every client to support local economy.

Personalize - We see people first and add human touch to banking. If you're ready to create more opportunities and elevate your career - come and join Citadele!

Uzņēmuma mājaslapahttp://www.citadele.lv

Reģistrācijas numurs40103303559

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