Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103659860
- Apraksts
- Pamatinformācija
- Uzņēmums
1400 - 4800
Papildu informācija: pamatojoties uz iepriekšējo pieredzi un prasmju līmeni.
Atrašanās vieta
- Rīga, Latvija
- Attālināta darba iespējas
Uriekstes 2a
Darba veids
- Pilna slodze
- Elastīgs darba laiks
Elīza Grīnvalde
Elīza Grīnvalde
Magebit is the industry-leading eCommerce solution provider. We are actively managing online stores for over 90 brands in 29 countries, ensuring digital commerce success for our clients.
We have built online shopping solutions for world-known brands like Volkswagen, MADARA Cosmetics, Snap-on, Tara, Kursi, Aubuchon Hardware, and many more.
In 2022, Magebit became an Official Member of the Forbes Technology Council, and we keep pushing boundaries!
We offer a fantastic working environment where you can further advance your knowledge and get hands-on experience on global eCommerce projects within a great team of like-minded people.
Headquartered in Riga, Latvia, Magebit unites professionals in Web Development, Digital Marketing, Project Management, UI/UX, and Business Development worldwide, in a remote-first format.
Join our amazing team of more than 100 ambitious eCommerce enthusiasts and lets work together on industry-shaping projects in online shopping!
Reģistrācijas numurs: 40103659860
Tev varētu interesēt arī:
Associate QA Consultant
Sistēmanalītiķis / Iekšējo IT sistēmu eksperts
Junior Data Analyst